Oseh Shalom

Zoom: Shofar Sounding

September 12, 2023 @ 5:30 pm – According to Tradition, it is a mitzvah to hear—and more importantly listen to—the sound of the Shofar each day during the month of Elul, the month before the High Holy Days. Why? Hearing and listening to the Shofar is a “wake-up call”,  jarring us out of our summer complacency and asking us to pay attention […]

Shacharit Weekday Service

September 13, 2023 @ 8:45 am – 9:15 am – Rabbi Daria and Rabbi Josh as well as lay leaders are offering virtual services on zoom. Shacharit (morning) services are offer on Monday and Wednesdays at 8AM. Each service lasts 20-30 minutes and is informally structured, allowing time for interacting and for praying. Below are the links to add these services to your calendars and […]

Zoom: Executive Committee Meeting

September 13, 2023 @ 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm – Oseh Executive Committee Meeting. Zoom Link.

Oseh Choir Practice

September 13, 2023 @ 7:30 pm – 9:00 pm – The Oseh Choir will assemble in the synagogue sanctuary to practice with Cantor Caitlin.

Lunch Bunch

September 14, 2023 @ 12:00 pm – 1:30 pm – Join us on the 2nd Thursday of every month here at Oseh Shalom in the Social Hall for a brown bag lunch.  No need to RSVP just show up.

Erev Rosh Hashanah/Shabbat Service

September 15, 2023 @ 7:30 pm – 9:00 pm – Join Oseh Shalom at our building or at home as we start our High Holy Day journey with Erev Rosh Hashanah/Shabbat services. Join via Zoom HHD Mahzor

Rosh Hashanah – First Day

September 16, 2023 @ 9:30 am – 12:00 pm – Join the Oseh community for Rosh Hashanah Services. Here’s a snapshot of activities: 9:30 am: Sanctuary Services 10:00 to 11:00 am: Teen service 10:15-11:15 am: Youth Programming in the Tent 1:30 pm: Tashlich at Laurel Park While we would love to have our whole Oseh family at our inspiring building, you are welcome to join […]

Family Tent Rosh Hashanah Service; Teen Service & Children’s Programming

September 16, 2023 @ 10:15 am – 12:00 pm – The Family Tent Rosh Hashanah Service is from 10:15 – 11:15 am (Pre-K – 5th Grade); The Teen Service is from 10 – 11 am (6th – 10th Grade); The Children’s Programming is from 11:20 am – Noon (Pre-K – 5th Grade). All families who registered are welcome. Families services are in person only.

Tashlich at Laurel Park

September 16, 2023 @ 1:30 pm – 2:00 pm – Please join us on Rosh Hashana Day 1, at 1:30 PM at Laurel Lake off Mulberry Road, for a short Tashlich service.  Laurel Lake is a short 5-minute drive from Oseh and directions will be provided. Tashlich, meaning “casting off”, is the service/ritual of throwing off your sins into life-giving, flowing waters to free yourself […]

Erev Rosh Hashanah – Second Day

September 16, 2023 @ 7:30 pm – 9:30 pm – This service is zoom only. Please join via Zoom use this link with the special password that has been sent to all who registered in advance and all Oseh members. HHD Mahzor

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