Oseh Shalom
Social Groups

Social Groups

Get to know your community and make new friends by joining one or more of the groups below:

  • Rosh Chodesh Women’s Group: Be part of a vibrant, multi-generational women’s monthly discussion group. Topics range from Jewish views on immigration to food, humor, a summer book read and a wonderful Women’s seder each spring. Contact Melody Magnus
  • Men’s Club: (not just for guys) Take part in sports, make holiday baskets, helps with Super Bowl Party, BBQs and more. Contact Matt Baker
  • Sisterhood: (not just for gals) Schmooze, coordinate onegs treats for services, plan programs and other events. Contact Carolyn Makovi
  • Craft Group: Are you someone who enjoys crafting—knitting, crocheting, quilting, needlepoint, sewing, painting, etc.? Meet with other like-minded Oseh members for a few hours each month.  Meetings are currently on Zoom on Sunday mornings from 11:30 am – 1:30 pm every three or four weeks. You can join the get-together for as little or as long as you like. We’re also open to creating items of warm clothing for charity, if there is interest–which wouldn’t require attending any meetings. Contact Judy Katz
  • Dinner and Discussion Group: Join a monthly groups that discuss topics ranging from Artificial Intelligence to Current Events: Contact Mark Goldberg
  • Havurah Shalom: Join a social group for 50-year olds or better or form a new interest group: Contact Karen Meckler
  • Parents of Religious School Children: Our school offers numerous opportunities to meet other busy parents and share concerns, schmooze and more. Contact Rabbi Rebecca.
  • Young Adults Group: The young Adults group is for younger adults and friends. The group includes a diversity of people, including singles, married couples, and families with kids. Kids are welcome at events too. Previous events have included hiking, liquid nitrogen ice cream making, Friendsgiving, Havdalah, the ropes course at Savage, Hanukah, game nights, and others. Often, group members can be found at Oseh on shabbat and holidays. No affiliation or membership with Oseh Shalom or any other organization is required. Contact Brett Shapiro
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