Oseh Shalom offers many ways to connect with fellow members. In addition to the warmth and community of our Shabbat and festival services, we always have an Oneg (desserts and social time), during which you can relax and get to know people. Once a month, services are preceded by a potluck Shabbat dinner where you and your children, spouse or friends can relax and meet other members while enjoying great food. Potluck items can be a creative outlet for your inner chef or a Challah or salad from a local grocery store. If potlucks aren’t your thing, just come, have a glass of wine and schmooze with other members and guests.
Oseh also offers numerous social groups for members of all ages and backgrounds. Check out our social group page.
We encourage members to explore a broad range of volunteer opportunities as well, both through social action and around our building. Whatever your background, we can use your talents. Or we can expose you to an area you’d like to learn more about. Check out our membership page for more information about joining us. Below are some unsolicited comments from some of our newest members:
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