Oseh Shalom

Reconstructing Judaism

Reconstruction judaism annual report video

Reconstructionist Judaism emphasizes creativity, social justice, and participatory decision making. We consider Judaism as the evolving religious civilization of the Jewish people, which means that Judaism is not only a religion but also a vibrant culture with its own art, music, dance, language, history, etc. By evolving, we mean that our generation of Jews helps to consciously reshape the traditions of the past to create a meaningful, vibrant and relevant Judaism for our time. Want to know more? Explore Reconstructing Judaism .Org for the short or long story. You will also find a wealth of resources on all things Jewish, opportunities to grow and explore through Ritual Well and many other resources.

Jewish Summer Camp

Oseh Shalom has a strong connection to the wonderful camps of the Reconstructionist Movement, and many of our youth go every summer. Check out Camp Havaya, for more info on the Poconos location, or the new arts camp in California.  Partial scholarships are available through Oseh Shalom (contact John Finedore, finedorej@gao.gov, and Jackie Land, jljrf@aol.com).

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