Buy gift cards with RaiseRight: The cards are good for groceries, gas, travel and other family essentials. You can also take care of your gift list with ease: Contact Kelly Benton-Klein or call Kelly at 301-490-7764. Kelly offers a selection of cards for last minute events Sunday mornings during Religious School. Register
Charity Charge: This is a free affinity credit card program that gives 1% back automatically (and is tax-deductible) to Oseh. In addition, when you make your first purchase with this card, $10 is automatically donated to Oseh Shalom. Even if you only want to use this for groceries or dining out, every swipe helps.
Download Box Tops for Education App: If you buy food, paper goods, plastic bags and more, you have Box Tops for Education! Download the app, take a photo of your receipt and upload it to the site. Questions? Contact Kelly Benton-Klein or call 301-490-7764.
Check out our online Gift Shop for all your special events. Buy greeting cards, candles, kippot and more.