Oseh Shalom
Lifelong Learning

Lifelong Learning

The Oseh Shalom Life Long Learning Committee offers a broad range of programs for all interests and background.   Programs include Jewish movies, cooking classes, book brunches, multi-part classes by our Rabbis, music, financial planning and more.  And of course, we encourage you to come to weekly services and explore the Torah and what it means to you and your family.  Many of our Saturday morning services are small and become discussion groups and opportunities to explore. Below is a list of 2019-20 programs.  For the latest information and exact times of events, go to our Calendar.

Rosh Chodesh Women’s Discussion Group

Rosh Chodesh is a Women’s Discussion group open to members and non-members interested in discussing range of Jewish topics, serious and light as well as field trips and an annual women’s seder. We meet at Oseh or in homes of members on the first Sunday of the month at 2 pm but occasionally have evening programs as well. Join our Google group to find out more. No obligation to host or come to meetings by joining. Questions? Want to get on the list? email Melody Magnus: melmagnus25@gmail.com.

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