Oseh Shalom
High Holy Days & Festivals

High Holy Days & Festivals

Oseh Shalom celebrates the High Holy Days with awe and joy.  We encourage joining us in person if possible but on Zoom if your health or safety necessitates that choice. Each year we offer programs geared to families, youth and teens with uplifting services filled with music, movement, prayer and fun. Family services are for toddlers and elementary age students. Teen services are for grades 6–12.

In addition to festival services for the 5784 High Holy Days, Oseh enriched this special time with the events below:

  • Online Shofar Blasts on Tuesdays and Sundays during Elul, the month leading up to the HHDs.
  • Back to Shul Night Party and a Special Musical Shabbat service
  • Daily Elul  Reflections to prepare for the High Holy Days
  • Selichot: Songfest and Services to Introduce the High Holy Days
  • Special Class from our Rabbis
  • Labor on the Bima program on organized labor
  • Tashlich in the Park program and picnic
  • Sukkah Hops at member homes
  • Simchat Torah dinner, services, music and dancing

Watch our Rabbis drashes/sermons for 2023/5784 on YouTube Channel

  • Erev Rosh Hashanah: Rabbi Daria:  “Creation, Crises, and Deepest Desires,”
    Celebrating the miracles of creation, and courageously facing the crises that threaten us- and all of creation- can help us attune to our unique inner motivations and deepest desires,
    Guide to reflecting upon your deepest desires.
  • Rosh Hashanah Day 1 – Rabbi Josh: “Rosh Hashanah Prayers as One Answer to our Existential Situation”: Rosh Hashanah prayers (U’netanah Tokef, Malshuyot, Zochronot and Shofarof) can be a good way of getting in touch with and responding to our existential situation as Jews and human beings.  Watch Video
  • Rosh Hashanah Day 1 – President’s Message – Watch Video
  • Rosh Hashanah Day 2 Torah Discussion – Rabbi Josh: led the discussion “Teshuvah, Maimonides and Psychotherapy“. Using the writing of spiritual teacher Estelle Frankel, we explored Maimonides’ ideas of the basic steps of teshuvah from a psychotherapeutic framework.
  • Kol Nidre – Rabbi Daria:  “A Bee on the Knee: Courage and Teshuvah.”  Every year at this season, one of the central High Holy day prayers lifts up the importance of the Jewish practice of teshuvah. What does this practice actually ask of us, and what is the vision of possibility it holds out for us?
  • Yom Kippur Day – Rabbi Josh: Striving for Sacred Speech that Does No Harm: Yom Kippur and Beyond.”  In this sermon, Rabbi Josh discussed some of the issues of Jewish speech ethics related to our Yom Kippur liturgy and focused on the contemporary example of micro-aggressions.

See our Calendar for all our programs and services throughout the year. We are always adding more so stop back often. 

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