Oseh Shalom

Zoom: Sacred Grounds Webinar: A How-to on Planting Native and Creating Rain Gardens

March 31, 2022    
7:30 pm - 9:00 pm

The Oseh Sacred Grounds team invites you to attend the National Wildlife Federation free virtual workshop at 7:30 pm on Thursday March 31st. Learn from experts about how you can create wildlife habitat and protect our local streams by planting native plants.  By planting native plants, we can take part in protecting the natural world that nurtures us.

We will share tips on the following:NWF How-to-plant Webinar

* What are the best native plants for my yard?
* Where can I buy them?
* How will they help with flooding and pollution into our local streams and Chesapeake Bay?
* Designing a garden with native plants
* Other features to help birds and butterflies thrive at our homes
* County financial aid application/rebate information
And more!

Register to attend the event and receive the Zoom link here: bit.ly/regPGgarden

The NWF How-to webinar will be repeated on May 5th at 7:30 PM. The financial aid information will be specific to Montgomery County. Register for this event and receive the Zoom link here: bit.ly/regMCgarden

Review the details of this event and future events:  SacredGroundsEvents


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