Please join Student Rabbi Faryn for a special workshop: a 3-session tzitzit making workshop, where we follow the process of making tzitzit from sheep to finished product.
For this session, join Student Rabbi Faryn to learn about–what are tzitzit? Why are we asked to attach them to all four-cornered garments? What are they made of? And what are they there to teach us? All are welcome, join on Zoom using the standard password.
Meeting ID: 936 3611 5053
Tzitzit are an ancient technology that Jews have used to connect to the Divine, as described in the 3rd paragraph of the Shema (Numbers 15:37-41). How would they have been spun? What are the issues around making them? How does one get from sheep to tzitzit and a tallit anyway? This special opportunity will give us the chance to root ourselves in text and then get hands on as we explore these questions and build a more meaningful and personal relationship with this powerful technology.
Please sign up here:
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