Oseh Shalom

Tisha B’av Services and Programs

July 17, 2021 - July 18, 2021    
7:30 pm

Tisha B’av begins Saturday evening, July 17th. Because both our rabbis are on vacation, and CJC and Mishkan Torah aren’t holding Tisha B’av services, Oseh won’t be holding a Tisha B’av service  this year.

Next year Tisha B’av will be back at Oseh and better than ever, God willing with our new Cantor helping to officiate.

If you do wish to virtually attend a Tisha B’av service this year, here are a few suggestions:

Adat Shalom (Rockville) Email help@adatshalom.net for the Zoom link.

Tikvat Israel (Rockville)

Anshe Chesed (NYC)

Bnai Jeshurun (NYC)

In addition, Reconstructing Judaism will be holding a Tisha B’av Day of Learning and study on Sunday the 18th beginning at 12:00 AM.

(This class is part of a larger series of Recon classes; hence the class at 11:00 AM.)

There is no cost for the class but voluntary donations are encouraged.

Sunday, July 18 Schedule

11 a.m. EDT: Shabbat – Celebration and Observance – through a Reconstructionist Lens
with Rabbi Jamie Arnold from Congregation Beth Evergreen, Rabbi Hazzan Rachel Hersh from Adat Shalom, Rabbi Yael Ridberg from Dor Hadash. Join the rabbis for the July live recording session and be a part of the discussion!

12 p.m. EDT: Tisha B’Av extended study with Armin Langer
Armin is a current student at the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College, the rabbinic intern at the Center for Jewish Ethics, and the student rabbi at Congregation Am Haskalah.

Register here for Sunday, July 18‘s 11 a.m. & 12 p.m. Sessions

1 p.m. EDT: Community Screening of Short Film 40 Days of Teshuvah followed by a discussion of the film and a Q & A with the film creator. Separate registration is required. Click here to register.

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