Oseh Shalom

Teen Shabbaton (Social Hall)

January 31, 2020 - February 1, 2020    
All Day

Teens, are you looking for a time to bond, learn, and have fun together with your Oseh friends? Then, come to the Teen Shabbaton. This will be a fun-filled overnight Shabbat experience. We will be playing games, studying Jewish text, making our own yummy dessert, and having a grand time

If you already registered with Rabbi Rebecca or Jenna Fisher earlier via email, scroll down to the to pay the Early Bird $20 price. Click on the Discount Ticket Oseh Students and Members..

If you are a friend of an Oseh teen and you also registered earlier, scroll to the bottom to pay the Early Bird $35 price. Click on the Discount Ticket Non Oseh Member. 

If you missed the early registration and want to join the fun, spaces are still open for $40. Scroll down to pay with the Standard Ticket.