Join us for our Shabbat morning service and Bar Mitzvah of Ethan Schiffer, co-led by Cantor Caitlin and Rabbi Emeritus Garry Fink. Take time out to explore the Torah and your own spirituality and connection to Judaism or to learn more about Judaism. Guests are always welcome.
Prayerbook: Shabbat Vehagim
Join via Zoom using the standard Oseh password
Meeting ID: 856 0085 8315
Shalom, my name is Ethan Schiffer, and I am currently a seventh grader attending Rosa Parks Middle School. I am currently heavily involved in an honors music program where I play bass clarinet, and I also play loads of tennis in my free time. I also volunteer twice every month, once for Meals on Wheels and once for the Mid-Count United Ministries organization, where I hand out food to people who are in need.
For my Bar Mitzvah project, I chose to work with HIAS foundation to help refugees moving in the area. I picked the HIAS organization because l feel that I need to give back to the people who truly need help in these tough times. My main goal with HIAS is to support and help these refugees and make them feel like they are supported in a new home. When you donate to HIAS for my mitzvah project, all the funds will go towards metro cards to help the refugees travel around the city and get to places they couldn’t otherwise go to.
I would highly appreciate it if you could help me on my journey to help all these refugees. You can donate directly to HIAS by going to
Ethan Schiffer
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