Oseh Shalom

Shabbat Meditation Zoom Service

January 15, 2022    
9:15 am - 9:45 am

This event is a Zoom event only for January.

Looking for spiritual practices beyond (or other than) “regular services” at Oseh? Be sure to check out our monthly meditation and chanting services. Shabbat is a time for connecting to oneself by slowing down and centering oneself. Join us for a 30 minute guided meditation. Open to all. No prior experience necessary.

Are you interested in meditation, but aren’t able to stay for the 10 am service, or perhaps it doesn’t really work for you? No worries! You are welcome to stay for services or go on with your day. Meditation is from 9:15-9:45 am. Chanting is from 10-noon.

Come for one. Come for both. Questions? Contact Rabbi Daria: RabbiDaria@Oseh-Shalom.org or Rabbi Josh: RabbiJosh18@gmail.com

Join via Zoom

Meeting ID: 937 112 689