Oseh Shalom

Hybrid: Shabbat Evening Service with Rabbi Deborah Waxman

December 10, 2021    
8:00 pm - 9:15 pm

Join us for a joint Shabbat service with Adat Shalom featuring Rabbi Deborah Waxman, President of the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College and Jewish Reconstructionist Communities and Rabbi Daria.

Rabbi Deborah Waxman, the President of Reconstructing Judaism, is not only a brilliant
scholar and teacher, she is an incredibly dynamic speaker who will be join us during
Oseh Shalom's Shabbat evening service (in-person and on Zoom) on Friday, December
10th. Then please join Oseh and Rabbi Waxman virtually on Saturday, December 11,
as we virtually join with Adat Shalom’s Shabbat morning service and afternoon
program. Rabbi Waxman will be talking about some of the things Reconstructing
Judaism is doing to advance diversity, inclusion and racial justice and equity. You won't
want to miss these presentations!! We will not be holding our own Shabbat morning
service on Saturday, December 11 – we'll be asking folks to Zoom in to Adat Shalom's
Shabbat morning service. Watch the e-news and your emails for more details.

Prayerbook: Shabbat Vehagim

Join us via Zoom

Meeting ID: 441 857 610


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