Join us for a special Pride-themed Shabbat service with a special guest drash from Ari Yovel, entitled: “A Rainbow Elephant in a Dark Room: what queers want allies to know about Leviticus 18.” Service led by Rabbi Josh
Ari’s bio:
Ari Yovel (they/them) is a transmasculine disabled Jew, future rabbi, community educator, and professional opinion-haver based on Ohlone land in the San Francisco Bay Area. As a champion of “hands-on Judaism”, Ari’s practice focuses on cultivating intersectional and accessible spaces for marginalized Jews to explore Jewish life, learning, and liberation. When they’re not dropping podcast recommendations or dad jokes, you’re likely to find them singing sea shanties and curating their extensive tea collection. To learn more, check out Ari’s writing and teaching at!
. Guests are always welcome.
Prayerbook: Shabbat Vehagim
Join via Zoom using the standard Oseh password
Meeting ID: 824 3179 2796