This event will now occur virtually.
Throughout our history, the Jewish people have been challenged to adapt to changing times, and we in the Reconstructionist movement are especially built to do it well. In that spirit, we will be celebrating our Chesapeake honorees – virtually – at the 28th Annual Chesapeake Celebration, which we are moving entirely online, with live-video streaming into your home! We are taking this action to help curtail the spread of COVID-19 and to keep our community members and their loved ones safe.
We encourage you to join us at 4:00 p.m. on Sunday, April 19 to come together to honor Pam Sommers and Fred Pinkney, Ken Staubs, Betty and Peter Silverglate, Rayna Aylward, Toni Popkin, Mark Loewenstein, Dan Bravmann and Ann Wittik Bravmann, and Gary and Melody Magnus, who have given their talent and time to help your community thrive. We will start our celebration with a short study session, continue with our program of honor and a short musical interlude, and end with a virtual toast (have your favorite drink ready!)
Since we are unable to thank our honorees in person, you can still send your thanks and support virtually. To ensure honorees are properly recognized, please consider purchasing a message for the Tribute Journal, which will be produced and distributed digitally on April 19, and will also be posted on Reconstructing Judaism’s website. Each honoree will receive their own personal printed copy of the journal to have as a keepsake.
We have waived registration fees for the Annual Celebration and hope that you will direct your contribution to help us create a robust Tribute Journal that celebrates the hard work of those being honored. You can purchase your message now through Friday, March 27.
We know how sweet it is to come together, and look forward to celebrating together virtually in this time of physical distancing. In this time, may those directly impacted experience refuah shleimah: a healing of body, mind and spirit. And may we all do our part to save lives. In Judaism, the obligation of pikuach nefesh (saving a life) supersedes all.
We look forward to hearing from you soon! In order to participate in the Annual Celebration, you still need to register. Please click here both to purchase your tribute and to sign up for the Virtual Annual Celebration.
We look forward to “seeing you” and celebrating with you on Sunday, April 19th. We will be sending out information about the Day of Learning separately.
If you have any additional questions, please contact Jackie Land at JLand@ReconstructingJudaism.
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