Oseh Shalom

Rosh Hodesh; Hanukkah Miracle

December 11, 2022    
2:00 pm - 4:00 pm

Zoom Only

Hanukkah is the main holiday in Kislev, and as I played around online a bit to research a program, I was taken aback by how much violence surrounds the women in Chanukah stories.  The violence and resistance is both spiritual and physical.   And then there is the story of the miracle that we’re all familiar with… So, among other things we’ll look at how resistance and miracles can help each other prosper.   And of course we’ll laugh, eat, and enjoy each other’s company.

We  would love to have you come in person.  If you need the address, call Sheila at 301 704 2334 or email her at sheilaurman69@gmail.com
If you’re so inclined to read something before the meeting here’s a link to explore           https://ritualwell.org/ritual/rosh-chodesh-kislev/
Please RSVP if you’re able to come.   Hope to see you soon


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