Oseh Shalom

Retreat Weekend: Get Away with Friends

January 18, 2020    
All Day

Deadline for room Guarantee: December 13

This year’s retreat (Oseh’s 23rd) will be a little different. It will be in the style of a Limud (לימוד), or university-style shabatton. The theme is “What floats your Jewish boat? : Sharing your Jewish Journey. We’re calling on participants to share their Jewish passion in a series of 45 minute workshops. These can be in a variety of formats—from a discussion, to a demonstration, to an interactive session with group participation, or anything in between. Our goal is to have 10 to 12 workshops on topics touching the full spectrum of our Jewish world. If you’re interested in sharing your passion please send your topic to retreat@oseh-shalom.org. You don’t have to be an expert, just willing to learn and lead.  Some suggested topic include aspects of  holidays, food, literature, movies and shows, music, sacred or spiritual.

For more information and signup info, go to the Retreat page

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