Oseh Shalom

Re-Envisioning Shabbat Morning at Oseh

February 2, 2025    
10:15 am - 11:15 am

What do we want for the future of Shabbat morning services at Oseh? Friday night tends to draw more people, but is there a reconfiguration of Saturday morning that would better meet our needs? Should we cut back to two Saturday mornings a month and really focus on them to build a larger attendance, with the rabbis and cantor both leading and doing a fuller Torah reading? Should we make sure that we continue our alternative Saturday morning options, like Grounding in Nature, Making Prayer Real, and Hebrew Chanting? Should all services be hybrid? Or should we just keep things as they are? All of these questions and many more are open for discussion as we come together to envision and brainstorm possibilities for Shabbat morning at Oseh that we can all be excited about. Please register by Jan. 29 via the Oseh website calendar.

Registration coming soon.