Oseh Shalom

ZOOM: Oneg Group Topic: What Prayer Language Bothers You?

May 8, 2020    
9:15 pm - 10:00 pm

Join Dan Glaser as he leads a discussion on what prayer language bothers you.

Many of the words in our Siddur, whether they are in the blessings or Psalms or other prayers give pause.
Terms such as Praise, Glory, Ruler, King, Exalted One, etc, might be hard to get our heads around in this day and age.
How do we reframe, adapt, change or accept these terms in Hebrew and English?
What terms trouble you, and how are we to deal with this in the service, in our prayers so that we can still feel the power of prayer?

We will also talk about what other, related topics would interest you for future discussions.

Join us via Zoom

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