Oseh Shalom

One-Book Discussion and Brunch-Life Long Learning (Social Hall & Kitchen)

November 10, 2019    
9:30 am - 11:30 am

 “One Book” synagogue-wide read and brunch–Waking Lions by Ayelet Gundar-Goshen with book discussion by Professor Eric Zakim, Associate Professor of Hebrew Literature and Culture, University of MD College Park. Sunday, November 10, 9:30 am

Speeding along a moonlit Negev desert road after an exhausting hospital shift, an Israeli surgeon hits an African migrant and flees the scene. Waking Lions is a gripping, suspenseful, and morally devastating drama of guilt and survival, shame and desire by an Israeli author and clinical psychologist.  A New York Times Notable Book. Here’s your chance to start reading now ahead of the November 10 brunch!

Join us on November 10 for brunch and a book discussion of Waking Lions led by Professor Eric Zakim. Free for Oseh members, $10 for non-members. Sponsored by the Lifelong Learning Committee.  For more information, contact Marla Singer, moosewonk@gmail.com.