Oseh Shalom

Last Chance to Register for Reboot Your Adult Relationship to Judaism/Adult B’nai Mitzvah Class

January 23, 2025    
All Day

Deadline to Sign Up: Thursday, January 23

Do you want to go deeper into questions related to Torah, prayer, God and Jewish spirituality with the Oseh clergy and a supportive cohort? If so, we have a few spaces left in our class: Reboot Your Adult Relationship to Judaism/Adult B’nai Mitzvah. Whether or not you had a formal bar/bat mitzvah earlier, this is a unique opportunity to deepen your adult relationship with Judaism.

  • Classes will meet every other Thursday evening, from 7 to 9:00 PM, in person, starting March 20.
  • The entire program will last about 12-14 months, with breaks during the summer and holidays.
  • Fee: $136 for the entire course. No one turned away.

Questions? Email Rabbi Josh at rabbi.josh18@gmail.com

Register for Class