Oseh Shalom

Introduction to Reconstructing Judaism (Sanctuary)

February 2, 2020    
9:30 am - 11:00 am

Sundays, January 26 and February 2, 9:30-11:00 am

During this two-session class, taught by longtime Oseh Shalom member John Riehl, we will briefly explore the history and beginnings of Reconstructionism and discover how the Reconstructionist Movement has changed and evolved over the years.  Other topics we’ll discuss include:

  • How Reconstructionism is different from the other Jewish Movements
  • How Oseh Shalom is a great example of a Reconstructionist synagogue
  • Why be Reconstructionist
  • What the Movement is doing now
  • Challenges and opportunities facing Reconstructing Judaism
  • And, of course, John will attempt to answer your questions about the Movement.

At the end of the class, participants will have a good appreciation of the Reconstructionist Movement – its past, present and future – and how Oseh Shalom fits into the picture. A number of links to Web resources will be provided as part of the course. The two sessions will be live Streamed.  Go to the Oseh Shalom website, click on Streaming Services (www.oseh-shalom.org/spirituality/stream-services) and enter the password “Stream.”

John Riehl has been a member of Oseh Shalom since 1978. He joined the Board of the Jewish Reconstructionist Federation in 1995 and the Board of Reconstructing Judaism (the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College) in 2010. He is currently a member of the RRC Board.

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