Oseh Shalom

Yom Kippur: Morning, Family/Teen, Afternoon Services, Break-Fast

October 5, 2022    
9:30 am - 12:30 pm

Join via zoom or in person (pre-registration required). Same link for all services that offer Zoom.

Members: If you don’t remember the HHD code,  go to shulcloud. Login so the system knows you are a member or check your Oseh email from last Thursday and Monday.

Nonmembers who registered,  please check your email from last Thursday or Monday.

Meeting ID: 863 9435 2791

  • Kol Nidre: Tuesday, 7:30 pm
  • Morning service: 9:30 am
  • Teen Service: 10 am, no Zoom option
  • Family Tent Service: 10: 15 am, no Zoom option
  • Youth program in tent: 11:10 am, no Zoom option
  • Afternoon Torah Study on Zoom Only (same login and passcode as rest of YK service): 3 pm: Curtis Menyuk for Torah study- “Olam Habah: Jewish Views of the Afterlife”
  • Meditation and Chanting: 4 pm: Slowing Down & Turning Inward: Experiential Yom Kippur Afternoon Opportunities
    • “From Age-ing to Sage-ing” with Maryrita Wieners (4-4:30); Chant with Rabbi Daria
      As we live our lives, we journey from age-ing to sage-ing, moving on a path of spiritual eldering. We are never too young to consciously pursue this journey. We are born with our full potential and the wisest part of ourselves is waiting to unfold and be discovered as we mature.We will meditate on an imaginal exercise that will take us to our future self, to meet our inner wise elder. There will be time to journal or sit in silence with the wisdom and blessing we receive. We will open and close our meditation time with a chant.”Turning and Returning (Teshuvah) through Walking,” with Helen Metzman (4:30-4:45)
      Although Jewish culture has often had the reputation as the “People of the Book,” we could also be considered a “People of Walking” – journeying through the wilderness for forty years, escaping enemies while scattering on foot in diaspora, and relaxing afternoon walks on Shabbat. A walking meditation during the final hours of the Days of Awe is an opportunity to slowly step into the New Year to focus on breath, to be attentive to the moment, to turn, to return and to embrace Teshuvah.
  • Martyrology: 5 pm
  • Mincha: 5:30 pm
  • Nei’lah: 6:45 pm
  • Havdalah: 7:30 pm
  • Break the Fast Dinner: MUST have reservation: 7:45 pm:
    It is not too late to sign up for the Break-the-Fast, featuring an omelette bar, kugels and much, much more. Contact Karen Meckler directly (karenmeckler@gmail.com) if you want to come.




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