Hybrid: Grounding through Jewish Nature Connection to Find Peace in Turbulent Times
Register here by 3pm on Friday, 12/9 so we don’t leave without you!
During tumultuous times, or times of any level of unrest, it can be particularly helpful to ground ourselves. One powerful way to do so is to get in touch with the ground itself by getting outdoors!
Judaism developed in a world where we were so intimately connected with the outdoors. The science – and much of our personal experience!- supports the wisdom and healing powers of leaving the comfort of the climate controlled indoors in order to get in touch with something much larger.
Join Rabbi Daria for a special Shabbat morning in our local woods (a short walk from Oseh!), where we will have the opportunity to connect with our traditional prayers, our hopes and personal prayers, and new possibilities for “Finding Peace in Turbulent Times.”
We’ll start and end at Oseh Shalom, but walk a short distance to get into a more immersive setting in nature. Dress for the weather, whatever it is! Suggestions: hat, scarf, raincoat, water resistant shoes, mittens. The weather will be wet leading up to this day. Bring something (even just a plastic bag) for the optional sitting time. The amount of time we will be outdoors will depend on the amount of rain actually falling, but we will definitely be outdoors for some amount of time.
*Note: “Grounding Through Nature Connection” – Come in person if at all possible! For distance or health reasons, you can join by zoom and still enjoy great benefit if you have access to the outdoors.
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