5:30 – 6 p.m. Hanukkah Tot Service (Please RSVP to osrsassistant@gmail.com.)
6:15 – 7:30 Community Shabbat: Potluck Sign up for potluck here!
7:30 – 8:45 p.m. Family Service with special speaker in place of Drash (see details below) | Join via Zoom
We would like to extend a warm invitation to all of you, especially our beloved 3rd and 4th-grade families, to join us for our upcoming Family Service & Potluck. Sign up for potluck here! This is a wonderful opportunity for everyone to come together, share delicious food, and create lasting memories with other families in our community. We can’t wait to engage in meaningful conversations, build new connections, and strengthen existing bonds. We even have a special Hanukkah TOT service for children 0 – 5 years old. So please bring your joyful spirit and a hearty appetite to our Oseh Shalom Potluck and let’s revel in each other’s company. We can’t wait to see you all there!
This service also features a pop-up scholar in residence. Esther Goldenberg, who has recently returned to the DC area from Israel. Before living in Israel, she lived in this area where she worked as a Jewish educator for over 20 years. Her new book, The Scrolls of Deborah, is Biblical fiction about the life of Deborah, Rebekah’s nursemaid, who is mentioned only one time in the Torah — in this week’s parasha. Esther will tell an interactive story during the Friday service about Jacob’s wrestling match before entering the land that would be called Israel. During the oneg, she’ll read aloud a humorous section from The Scrolls of Deborah to those who are interested. Can’t make tonight. Tune in Saturday for more from Esther.
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