Oseh Shalom

Tending Your Inner Fire: Oseh’s Hanukkah Party!!

December 22, 2024    
4:00 pm - 6:30 pm

Hanukkah Dinner, Crafts, Adult Class, Sing-a-Long and More

Sunday, Dec 22, 4 pm-6:30 pm

Come out and help us celebrate Hanukkah (a little early).  All events besides dinner start no later than 4:15 pm. Events include the following:

  • Kids are invited to enjoys crafts and games with Rabbi Rebecca
  • Tots, aged 1-6ish can take part in Hanukkah themed event with Diane Wacks
  • Adults and teens can delve deeper with text study led by Rabbi Josh
  • Like to Move? Dance to your inner fire with 5Rhythms(R)* Facilitator Dancing Nima Yazdanfar, Certified, 5RTA Accredited 5Rhythms Teacher, and Rabbi Daria
    • *5Rhythms is a dynamic movement practice—a practice of being in your body—that ignites creativity, connection, and community
  • Prefer somethings hands on? Help Build a Fire Outside (In partnership with Pearlstone)**
  • Let your musical side shine at the Hanukkah songfest for all ages with Cantor Caitlin and Friends
  • Need a gift everyone wants: Stop by the Men’s Club olive oil, vinegar, tapenade, jam and more tasting and sale
  • And of course, feast: Dinner with homemade latkes, tuna salad, sides & doughnut holes

The cost is $5 per person for members, $20 max for families. The cost for non-members is $7 per person with a max of $25 per family. Login to Shulcloud to get the member rate. Please register below by December 18.

** Fire building: Do you enjoy sitting around a campfire, or your fireplace? How do you usually create that fire? Buy a couple of logs that are easy to light or use a fire starter kit? Fire is something that is not only fun and cozy, but can save your life. The world is full of the natural materials that can help you get a warm, cozy, life-saving fire without needing to rely on a store or even matches. Tend your inner fire by joining Pearlstone educator Mira Menyuk (who grew up at Oseh Shalom!) as you learn how to gather the right materials to build a fun, functional fire!

Signup for Dinner

Getting Ready for Hanukkah 5785 Song Sheet