This year, Oseh is adopting a refugee family waiting for a hearing and a chance at a new life. In addition, we are supporting families that have arrived in Maryland with very little, but who are here legally. These families fled with nothing but hope and a dream, the same one our ancestors left home with. Many of the women have been endured physical horrors. The men have endured repeated beatings. The children have known hunger few Americans kids understand. See the Refugee_Wish_List. Gently used items are fine. They also need masa flour, goya rice, beans and similar Hispanic food essentials. Please bring donations to Oseh by December 14. There will be box in the Coat Room.
We would love to get gift cards so they can go to a store and buy what they really need. Groceries gift cards or cards to Target and similar stores through the Oseh Scrips programs are ideal. Visa or similar generic gift cards allow them to see a doctor, another desperate need. To buy gift cards, contact Kelly: or 301-490-7764 (home), 443-310-1428 (cell) and you will be helping this truly needy family as Oseh at the same time. If ordering gift cards, deadline is December 8 to Kelly can order them in time.
Questions? Write Melody, at
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