Oseh Shalom

Education Committee Mtg

October 11, 2020    
11:30 am - 12:30 pm

Join the Education Committee VPs, parents and others interested in helping our school meet the needs of our students. Meetings are  opened to all parents, not just those who have an active role on the committee.

Please email Joy and Kelly, Education VPs, at edvp@oseh-shalom.org if you want more info or you would like to add an item to the agenda.

The Education Committee is always looking for representatives from the school and congregation to serve. Your participation is needed to build a stronger religious school.  As a member of the Education Committee, you will:

  • Provide an example to your child and others and positively impact them.
  • Know the ins and outs of what’s happening at OSRS (Oseh Shalom Religious School).
  • Connect with other parents.
  • Build a strong school community.
  • And much more!!!
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