Oseh Shalom

Workshop on Embracing and Enhancing your child’s Spiritual Identity (Sanctuary)

January 5, 2020    
9:30 am - 11:30 am

Faith and Doubt, Mystery and Wonder:
Embracing and Enhancing Your Child’s Spiritual Identity

Parents, be a part of the workshop by psychologist and Oseh Shalom member, Dr. Brad Sachs, that will help you lay the groundwork for a spiritually-enriched family atmosphere. Learn how to create space for sacred moments and support a dialogue that will enable children to search both inside and outside of themselves for what is unique, holy and divine.

Dr. Sachs is a psychologist, educator, consultant and best-selling author specializing in clinical work with children, adolescents, couples, and families.

This workshop is sponsored by the Lifelong Learning Committee. Free to all. For questions please contact Barbara Margolis at barbara.margolis@gmail.com.

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