Come reconnect with long-time friends and make new ones as well celebrate the season of renewal and celebration. Join for an evening of fun, food, music and spirit.
Here is the schedule:
5:30 – 6 pm: Shabbat Tots Service with Diane Wacks. All 0 – 5 year olds and their family members are welcome to join in the music and fun as we celebrate Shabbat together.
6:15 pm: Pizza and Special Salads. Everyone is encouraged to catch up with old friends and make new ones.
Parents will be invited to an introduction to the grant-funded Hebrew approach during dinner at 6:20.
Dinner: Sign Up Now for Dinner
6:45-7:15 pm: Children Exploring Hebrew Fun with Vered Goldstein and Rabbi Daria. Children 4 – 8 years old and their parents, are invited to join us for this joyful, participatory Hebrew learning experience. Oseh has received a grant to reboot the program, s0 come and learn more. Oseh Shalom Religious School is the only synagogue piloting this cutting-edge pedagogy. See how the Hebrew Proficiency Approach deepens students’ Jewish identities through Jewish and Israeli culture and language. RSVPs preferred at
7:30 pm: This Friday Night Service will be co-led by Rabbi Daria and Cantor Caitlin, with a musical drash on themes of return and will feature the Oseh Shalom choir.
8:30 pm: The service will be followed by a nice desert oneg sponsored by Membership Committee. People are encouraged to introduce themselves to new faces.
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