Oseh Shalom

An Introduction to Kabbalah, with Rabbi Josh

November 28, 2023    
7:00 pm - 8:30 pm

An Introduction to Kabbalah, with Rabbi Josh Tuesdays, November 28, Dec. 5, 12, and 19, 7:00-8:30pm After studying Kabbalah for many years, this class represents Rabbi Josh’s attempt to distill the most important elements of Kabbalah into 4 sessions for the Oseh community. We’ll cover some of the history of this fascinating mystical tradition within Judaism, as well as core texts and a practice or two. Our attention will be towards Kabbalah’s relevance for our lives today. Please sign up by 11/21/2023 either directly to Rabbi Josh or the Oseh Office.

This is a zoom class.

Join via Zoom using the standard Oseh password

Meeting ID: 8891 6114 5116