Oseh Shalom

Hybrid: Meditation Service

January 28, 2023 @ 9:15 am – 9:45 am – This event is a hybrid, both in-person at Oseh and online via Zoom. Looking for spiritual practices beyond (or other than) “regular services” at Oseh? Be sure to check out our monthly meditation and chanting services. Shabbat is a time for connecting to oneself by slowing down and centering oneself. Join us for a 30 minute […]

Hybrid: Chanting Service

January 28, 2023 @ 10:00 am – 12:00 pm – We invite you to our special sacred Hebrew chant service. Come prepared to go “deep” instead of “broad” with the liturgy as we lift up and focus on just a handful of the words, tapping into them in new ways that can affect us powerfully internally and externally, on an individual and group level.  These […]


Post Chanting Potluck

January 28, 2023 @ 12:00 pm – 1:30 pm – Veggie/Dairy potluck lunch after services. Come for services and stay for the potluck, or just gather in community for a potluck lunch! The link to sign-up for the pot lunch is https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0848A5AC22ABFB6-shabbat27

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