Oseh Shalom

Havdalah Pot Luck Dinner

June 15, 2024    
5:00 pm - 8:00 pm

HAVDALAH POTLUCK SATURDAY, JUNE 15, 2024 Please join us, Brianna and Eric Greenberg, for an Oseh Havdalah Pot Luck Dinner for families with young children on Saturday, June 15 at our home, 6409 Empty Song Road, Columbia, MD. The event will start at 5 PM. We must limit the number of attendees to 3 families with young children. Our home will not accommodate more. Please let us know if you need us to baby proof areas of our home or have any food restrictions we should know. Dinner will be a Taco-theme night (ground turkey, beans and taco fixings for guests to pick as desired). To enhance our meal, please sign up to bring a salad, side dish, dessert or drinks. Havdalah is a lovely and short ceremony that formally ends Shabbat. We look forward to sharing a meal and Havdalah with you!

POCs: Brianna & Eric Greenberg (727-492-0577) Date: 06/15/2024 (Sat.) Time: 5:00pm – 8:00pm EDT Location: 6409 Empty Song road, Columbia, MD

Please sign up here.

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