Oseh Shalom

Growing into You Q&A

October 9, 2022    
10:00 am - 11:30 am

Ladies*, do you sense a greater potential for yourself than you presently are actualizing? Do you feel stuck with work, or in your personal or volunteer life? Does anxiety impact your life? Join Rabbi Daria from 10-11:30 am for a taste of what’s possible through the “Growing Into You” 8-session monthly course that will be starting on Nov 6. Details for the class are in the Oct-Nov edition of The Shalom (although there have been some slight updates). (**NOTE: Space is VERY limited for the “Growing Into You” course. Rabbi Daria is considering additional opportunities to explore this arena of growth in other ways through our community. Stay tuned, and let her know if you’re interested in learning more!)
To make sure that we have enough space for you on Sunday, and to have this experience be most impactful for you, please complete this VERY SHORT survey ASAP.
*Men- If this description speaks to you, please complete the survey as well! However, this Sunday’s session is just for women. Thank you for your understanding!

Note: This class complements the class on “Finding Peace in Turbulent Times”


It is important to make as many of these sessions as possible in order to have the greatest results. Registration is rolling. If the class gets full, there’s a chance we might start a weekday evening cohort.


 9-10:30 am**, in person (for all that are able. Zoom may be available if needed. Please let Rabbi Daria know asap if you anticipate needing zoom for any or all of the sessions).

**On 10/9 and 1/8 we will meet from 10-11:30 am!

 9 Sundays (generally the 1st Sunday of the month)

  • Intro “Experience” & Q&A: 10/9** (a 2nd Sun)
  • Series: 11/6, 12/4, 1/8** (a 2nd Sun), 2/5, 3/5, 4/2, *4/30 ( a 4th Sun), 6/4

Financial Commitment: To support your commitment to this process, there is a $100 fee for members and a $150 fee for non-members. (Outside of Oseh, this level of transformational course would cost $1200). No one is turned away for lack of funds.

Registration: SPACE is LIMITED! You are not guaranteed space in this class. Deadline Oct. 12

If there is not room for you in this course, there will be other opportunities for this kind of work. Please contact Rabbi Daria.

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