Oseh Shalom

Hybrid: Finding Peace in Turbulent Times: Jewish Wisdom and Practice

December 12, 2022    
7:00 pm - 8:30 pm

With Rabbis Josh and Daria

Hybrid, 4 Monday evenings @7-8:30pm (Nov. 14, 21, 28, Dec. 12) & 1 Sat morning (Dec. 10, 10-11:30am)

The contemporary interpretation of Jewish tradition offers us an array of practices and approaches to bring greater peace and groundedness into our lives. This class will incorporate meditation, prayer, journaling, and connecting to nature, offering an experiential and practice-oriented approach that can bring greater peace into your life.

To maximize the impact of this class, we strongly suggest dedicating 20 minutes, 3 times a week on your own schedule, to engage with the practices. Recordings will be made available if you miss a class, or to return to the material. We are asking for people who live locally to come in person; hybrid on zoom is available mostly for health or distance reasons.  Space is limited for this class! Please register no later than Nov 7 here on Shulcloud.

11/14, Class 1 (Rabbi Josh): Jewish Meditation as a Path to Peace

11/21, Class 2 (Rabbi Josh): The Potential Power of Prayer

11/28, Class 3 (Rabbi Daria): Developing Clarity of Purpose

**12/10, SHABBAT Morning, Class 4 (Rabbi Daria): Saturday Dec. 10: Grounding through Jewish Nature Connection

12/12, Class 5 (Rabbis Josh & Daria): Wrap Up and Next Steps.

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