Oseh Shalom

Hybrid: Finding Peace in Turbulent Times: Jewish Wisdom and Practice

November 28, 2022    
7:00 pm - 8:30 pm

Developing Clarity of Purpose (Class 3 of 5 of “Finding Peace in Turbulent Times”) with Rabbi Daria

Do you feel like these times are asking us to bring increased intentionality and a clarity of purpose to our lives? Are you feeling a level of impatience and unrest with what you currently find yourself doing much of your days and weeks?

The good news is that you are not alone!

The challenge is that trying to  “think our way towards a solution” limits what actually would be most meaningful, and can have us miss the deeper satisfaction that we sense awaits. Join Rabbi Daria for the 3rd class in our “Finding Peace in Turbulent Times” series. (You do not need to have attended the first two classes).


If you have not already done so, register here asap so we can have the appropriate set up!  We are asking for people who live locally to come in person; hybrid on zoom is available for health or distance reasons.

Flow of the Evening:

**We will begin promptly at 7 pm! Please arrive early so that we can begin on time!**

6:45-55  Dance!

Often, our minds work best when we’ve been moving and getting the rest of our energy flowing and integrated with other ways of knowing. Come a little early to move that energy through dance! (Have a favorite dance song? Email RabbiDaria@Oseh-Shalom.org by this Friday at noon!)

7-8:30 Developing Clarity of Purpose

Trying to answer the question of “what should I be doing with my life?” only gets us so far. Through some guided exercises, Rabb Daria will support you in finding your “bullseye” in the ven diagram of “what are my unique gift and skills,” “how do my personal and professional experiences uniquely position me,” and “who can most benefit from these aspects of who I am?”

To bring:

  • A sense of curiosity, openness, and comfortable clothes for dancing!
  • A journal (optional)


Upcoming classes are:

**12/10, SHABBAT Morning, Class 4 (Rabbi Daria): Saturday Dec. 10: Grounding through Jewish Nature Connection

12/12, Class 5 (Rabbis Josh & Daria): Wrap Up and Next Steps.

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