Oseh Shalom

Religious School Registration

Religious School Registration 2023-2024 OPEN

  1. Fill out the registration form. There is a discount for early registration on or before June 30 (with the registration fee).
  2. Pay $150.00 registration fee per family via the link above. The fee goes toward your tuition. You will be billed at a later time for the rest of the tuition.
  3. If applicable, bring on the first day, a current IEP, 504 plan, or other educational plan.

Have more questions? Contact the School Director at oseheddirector@gmail.com or our Educational Vice Presidents at edvp@oseh-shalom.org.

Early Registration: Get a 5% discount (up to $66) off of your child’s tuition by registering by June 30 with a $150 registration deposit per family. Books and materials are FREE.

Prefer to pay in installments? Just go into Shulcloud and set it up as you perfer. Need help with shulcloud? Contact the office. Abatements can be arranged confidentially through Steven Kaplan.

Lower School Program: PreK-7th Grade Early Registration 

By June 30

Late Registration

AFTER June 30

Pre-K: ages 3 – 4, meets twice a month $240 $252
Kindergarten $477 $501
1st Grade $502 $527
2nd Grade $572 $601
3rd Grade $740 $777
4th Grade $905 $950
5th Grade $1,075 $1,129
6th Grade $1,300 $1,365
Bar/Bat Mitzvah Prep Class* (7th Grade) $1,325 $1,391
Upper School: Grades 8-12**
TeenConnect: Grades 8-12; Two Sundays a Month, Group outings paid separately. $287 $301
Doing Jewish/Confirmation: 8-12 Grade: Two Sundays a Month $287 $301
Volunteer Madrichim Program $60 $63
*Paid Madrichim: 9th –12th Grade $250 $263

* Bar/Bat Mitzvah $550 fee and Paid Madrichim fee do not qualify for financial assistance. Bar/Bat Mitzvah tutoring fees are paid directly to the tutor at the end of each session.

** Upper School Students may enroll in up to four programs: TeenConnect, Doing Jewish, the Madrichim Program, and Confirmation, since they are at different times.

Payment plans and abatements can be arranged confidentially through Steven Kaplan.