Oseh Shalom

Hybrid: Slichot Service and Songfest

September 17, 2022    
7:30 pm - 11:00 pm

Join Rabbi Daria as we celebrate Slichot, the gateway to the High Holy Days. It is the service that introduces us and prepares us for the spiritual effort that will take place over the next number of weeks stretching from Rosh Hashanah to Simchat Torah.

We will begin at 7:30 with an Oseh Shalom Musical Song Fest led by a number of our very own talented Oseh Musicians, Brad Sachs, Alan Rubenstein, Diane and Ray Wacks and Rabbi Daria and Zev. This will be followed by Havdallah, a Rosh Hashanah themed dessert break and then the service. Please bring a Rosh Hashanah Dessert to share.

For the Song Fest and Havdallah: Join via Zoom

Meeting ID: 813 1273 9795

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