Oseh Shalom

Zoom: Racial Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Committee Kickoff

June 30, 2022    
7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Following the participation of a small working group at Oseh Shalom in Reconstructing Judaism’s pilot focusing on use of a congregational assessment tool for racial diversity, equity and inclusion, Oseh’s Board recently approved the establishment of a new Racial Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee (Oseh-RDEI). As discussed at the Annual Meeting on June 12, the Board has charged Oseh-RDEI to start a similar learning and assessment process for the congregation with the goal of developing a set of recommendations that will enhance Oseh’s ongoing efforts to be welcoming and inclusive. Oseh-RDEI will also draw on earlier work done by the Oseh Shalom Social Justice Group and is consistent with Reconstructing Judaism’s Strategic Plan and Commitments to Racial Justice.

The new Committee’s kickoff meeting will take place on June 28 at 7 PM via Zoom (Event ID: 82720036388).

We are inviting Oseh members with a diversity of lived experiences to consider joining the Committee. If you are interested or just have questions or just want to attend the kickoff meeting to learn more, please email RDEI co-chairs Andy Lincoln and/or David Friedman no later than NOON on Tuesday, June 28. (You can also phone David at 301-956-4042.)

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