Oseh Shalom

Holiday Needy Families Gift Deadline

December 9, 2020    
12:00 am

Help Two Truly Needy Families this Winter
Deadline for Gift Card Order: Dec 11

Because the need is SO great right now, Oseh has chosen to help two truly needy families this year instead of one. We have chosen an Immigrant family through a new group we worked with last year and a LARS family that was selected from a list of several hundred applications. Here is the letter submitted by the LARS family.

Good afternoon, I come from a humble and hard-working family. My family is made up of my husband that I love and my 6 children who are my life. We are a humble family. My dream is that they study and become professionals with a great heart that can help others just as they now will receive help. I fight every day along side my husband so that they do not miss out on their necessities. But we cannot afford presents when we need food. For Christmas I’d like for them to have gifts to see them happy. May God always bless you for all the beautiful work you are doing.

To order gift cards and benefit Oseh Shalom at the same time, email Kelly Benton-Klein at ksk4you@aol.com or call her at 301-490-7764. Tell her what the cards are for (Adopted Families), how many cards you want, from where, and the amount for each card. And by going through Scrips, a small percentage of each sale goes to Oseh for the same price. The difference comes from the retailer. So by going through Kelly, you help Oseh while not incurring any additional fees. Checks payable to Oseh Shalom can be sent to the synagogue office or to Kelly. Questions?  Email Melody Magnus. Thank You!!

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