Oseh Shalom

Reimagining Rosh Hashanah: An Experience with Shofar, Tashlich & More

September 19, 2020    
1:30 pm - 2:45 pm

We invite you to join us for a unique Rosh Hashanah experience.  We will be tapping into the powerful theme of new beginnings that Rosh Hashanah offers, combined with opportunities for fun, movement, and reflection on intentions for our new year of 5781. Our Rosh Hashanah Experience will include the blowing of the Shofar and Tashlich*, a ritual of water, both of which will help us deepen our High Holy Days journey and set the stage for the rest of this New Year.  All ages and family constellations- singles, couples, parents, children, elders, members, and non-members – are welcome.  Come with an open mind and an open heart!

*Tashlich, which means,”to cast off”, is the High Holy Day ritual when we gather by a stream of flowing water and toss out our “sins” to be carried away from us. We want to acknowledge that we have these sins, that they don’t have to define us, they don’t own us, and we don’t have to carry them with us forever, and that we can separate them from our true selves and free ourselves from them.  Only then can we be free to start fresh and clean and pure to face the new year with hope and good intentions and plans and goals to live up to our best selves.

This year due to COVID restrictions and concerns, on Rosh Hashanah Day 1, Tashlich will be virtual (during the Rosh Hashanah Experience).  Maryrita Wieners and Dan Glaser will lead the short Tashlich service. “Attendees” can zoom from home with a little kiddie pool, hose, or a local stream of their own, to join in this ritual. Tashlich service can be found here.

Join via Zoom using the HHD password provided separately.


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