Oseh Shalom

Virtual Coffee with OSRS Director

April 5, 2020    
11:30 am - 12:30 pm

Virtual Coffee with OSRS Director
Check email for invitation. 

We invite you to spend some time after our online classes to focus on OSRS’s alternate offerings to in-person classes. This will be your time to let us know how we are doing so far.

We would like to hear:

  • Are the online classes fitting the needs of your child?
  • What are the things your child is enjoying?
  • How can we make the classes better? Is there anything you would like us to change? 
  • Are you experiencing any technical issues? 

Rabbi Rebecca will have her listening ears on. So, join her on the two Sundays listed above right after our Pjs Sunday classes to share your thoughts with her and other families. Your insights will be invaluable so that we reach our goal of continuity in learning for all of our students during this shift to online learning.

Our time together will also be a great opportunity to get to know each other better. Rabbi Rebecca will send an invitation link by email.

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