Oseh Shalom

Social Justice Workshop Series-workshop 1 (Social Hall)

November 10, 2019    
3:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Come to our Social Justice Workshops Series provided by Avodah. Feel free to attend as many as you wish.

Workshop 1 (Sunday, 11/10/19, 3-5pm): What does social justice mean to us at Oseh, and why a Jewish social justice community? Avodah Alumni Justice Ambassador Laura Menyuk will facilitate our conversation. Snacks will be provided!

Workshop 2 (Sunday, 12/1/19 3-5pm): How do we identify individual and Oseh-wide social justice goals? Avodah Alumni Justice Ambassador Laura Menyuk will facilitate our conversation. Snacks will be provided!

Workshop 3 (Sunday, 1/5/19 3-5pm): Join fellow Oseh members in formulating our group social justice goals and strategies for achieving those goals. Snacks will be provided!

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